l'œil de thom

Thom contrôle formidablement bien son œil gauche, pour quelqu'un qui était entièrement paralysé de cet organe à la naissance. Enfant, il a subi une demie-douzaine d'opérations, et aété obligé de porter un bandeau de pirate sur l'œil droit pendant un an -- à l'âge où les enfants sont cruels, dans les cours d'école... -- afin de fortifier le gauche. Améliorer la condition d'un œil dans ce cas de figure répond à un double besoin d'esthétique et de communication, la vue restant chez la forme première de perception de notre environnement.

Ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid. This may be due to a disorder of the ocularmotor nerve, a disease of the eye muscle, or myasthenia gravis; it may also occur as part of Horner's syndrome or as an isolated congenital feature.
McFerren, T. A (Editor) (1994) A Dictionary Of Nursing. Second Edition. Great Britain: Oxford Reference. Page 386.

trois possibilités médicales

fibrose musculaire congénitale

The condition is one of two major possible medical problems, both of which involve muscular paralysis around the eye. The first, is congenital muscular fibrosis. This involves obstructing fibroids, which prevent the muscles from functioning correctly.

syndrome de Dewaynes

The second is Dewaynes Syndrome, in which case the muscle connections are improper and result in the eye being held in one position by a hypotonic contraction. Both problems have remarkably similar symptoms and are incredibly difficult to distinguish between to anyone other than a trained oculist.

syndrome de Horner

Horner's syndrome - a group of symptoms that are due to a disorder of the sympathetic nerves in the brainstem or cervical (neck) region. The syndrome consists of a constricted pupil, ptosis, and an absence of sweating over the affected side of the face. [J.F. Horner (1831-86), Swiss ophthalmologist]
McFerren, T. A (Editor) (1994) A Dictionary Of Nursing. Second Edition. Great Britain: Oxford Reference. Page 216.

Horner's syndrome. This is the description given to a combination of changes resulting from paralysis of the sympathetic nerve in the neck. They are: small pupil, a drooping upper lid and an apparently (though not actually) sunken eye.
Macpherson, G. (editor) (1995) Black's Medical Dictionary. 38th Edition. London: A & C Black Limited. Page 236.